Journal Detail

Journal Name
ISSN (P) 2631-2573
ISSN (O) 1390-8014
Country Ecuador
Frequency Annual
Journal Discipline
Area of specialization
Journal Language
Year of First Publication 2013
Web Site
Editor Gustavo Andrés Villacreses Brito
Phone No. (+593) 02-297-1
Cosmos Impact Factor 2019 : 4.667
Journal Description

USFQ Law Review is a law, academic, and arbitrated journal that is published annually. It is entirely developed, managed, and edited by Law students from Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ). Its purpose is to provide for experts in various areas of Law, such as professionals, academics, and students, with a space in which they may publish law research papers that analyze different perspectives and give critical opinions on relevant law issues. Additionally, USFQ Law Review seeks to be a research resource because its highly academic content, and to raise the quality of legal debate in Ecuador and throughout the region, addressing the needs of the law community, both nationally and internationally.